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Our Products

Application & Uses
Rubysand-Concrete Plus 0 - 4.75mm For all types of concrete
Rubysand-Super Plaster 0 – 2mm For brick work / plastering
Rubysand Brick Masnory 0-3.5mm for Brick work & Filling
Ruby 20mm aggregates 20mm For all types of concrete
Ruby 12mm aggregates 12mm RCC/PCC/Bricks/  Tiles /interlock paving blocks & roads
Ruby 40mm aggregates 25 - 45mm PCC/Base foundation concrete
Ruby GSB 0-50mm Granular sub base for roads
Ruby WMM Free grade Water mix macadam for road works
Ruby Ground Metal 60-90mm For basement applications

Move the scroll icon below the image on the right hand side to change skin

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