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Quality Assurance & Strength

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Ruby sand adheres to the highest standards and the quality tests are done as per international guidelines and Indian standards by the National Academy of Construction, university college of engineering, Osmania university.
1. Sieve analysis
2. Optical Microscopic study to check the particle shape
3. Workability (slump test by slump cone method)
4. Cube test for compressive strength
Ruby Sand is the only perfect substitute for the fast depleting and excessively mined river sand. As a part of the environment protection, Rubysand is the best available option and Ruby sand adheres to the highest standards and the quality tests are done as per international guidelines and Indian standards by the National Academy of Construction.
The Advantages

  • Increase workability
  • quality of concrete & quality of mortar for plastering
  • Increase structural strength & aesthetics of the structure
  • Increased tensile & Higher compressive strength
Ruby Aggregates are used to produce plain cement concrete/ reinforced cement concrete of normal or high strength, prefabricated and pre-stressed concrete.
The Advantages
  • Perfect gradation & Good particle shape
  • Optimum mix design & Increase in workability
  • Economical, low on wastage & high strength concrete

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